The Visoko pyramid !!! Bosnia and Herzegowina travel experience : BOSNIA AND HERZEGOWINA

giancarlobasile : europe : bosnia and herzegowina : mostar, sarajevo, blagaj, nevesinje is an exciting traveller community of the world

The Visoko pyramid !!! Bosnia and Herzegowina travel experience

Mostar, Sarajevo, Blagaj, Nevesinje

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The Visoko pyramid !!! Bosnia and Herzegowina travel experience

Località: Mostar, Sarajevo, Blagaj, Nevesinje
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The incredible wonders of this beautiful country martorizzato war


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Belgrade - Sarajevo

This morning we wake up soon and do lunch with things bought on the day before, around 7:30 we head to the bus station (BAC). Climb on the bus (with seating at 8:00 and is part precise direction Novi Sad. In about 3h us at the border, fortunately no one is the policeman on duty rises on buses to check the documents and takes the our passports. just go back after the driver of the bus with our passports stamped, the same happens 50m piu 'in la' at the border of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in short, the passage through customs and 'peaceful. The thing you will notice immediately entering BiH and 'the landscape changes dramatically compared to Serbia ... here we are in the mountains surrounded by thick forests of fir trees. The road pero' begins to be full of curves and for the weak of stomach and 'a problem since they are 8 hours travel. The 8 hours are quiet and make numerous stops (only 350 km !!!), we all republica Srpska (one of two entities of BiH) without ever entering BiH. At 16:00 we arrive in a village 18 km from Sarajevo (we always remember from Serbia), and there are buses that connect the station directly with the real hill station of Sarajevo (or the center), take only taxis that this calls for 10 euro ( in BiH will use the convertible mark KM, 1KM = Euro 0.5). What is surprising coming to Sarajevo and 'that: 1) and' best in the mountains or in a valley 2) there are many minarets. Once in the center turn a little 'for the accommodation and find a room with bath at 15 euros (per person) ... obviously without heating and geleremo tonight. We arranged a quick tour and we stop to eat at a restaurant (almost downtown) where for 24 euros (two people) eat so much meat. The local and 'run by a friendly old man who has a son who lives in Italy ... andateci!.
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Sarajevo - Visoko - Sarajevo

Today is the birthday of my wife and I Manueline, instead of going to the Maldives in BiH port .... that husband distorted. Omen as this night we smell of cold, the windows were bad ...... brrr, I just go with the sticky just type the "reception" that with his broken English said that the leader will call today, I want to see !. Let's have breakfast in the central square to a beautiful bar / patissiers where cappuccinos are excellent and fantastic cakes (6 KM), is called Saraj. After we go to the Information Center to understand how to achieve the goal of today or the small town of Visoko. At the information center told us that to reach Visoko we take the train leaving at 7:15, 10:41 and 11:42 a.m., we have already ask for Mostar, we discover that we are many and the whole bus ride lasts 2 5h. From the center of Sarajevo in order to reach the bus station and train stations (located nearby), take the tram n ° 1. Arrived at the station do a ticket for Visoko, which is 8 km (two people), we go to where Peron puntuale our train arrives. The journey by train is very quiet lasts about 30 minutes, unfortunately the stations are not marked with any writing, but often com happens premises are very kind and say when you get off. Visoko is a small village and the station is a casarella in the middle of anything .... but why are we here? In early 2006, the news appeared that it found the first European pyramid dated before the Egyptian culture in this small village, even the site of Tourism of BiH ( has a link with all the information. Just ask to get off the station as a kind of return to Sarajevo, we are told that the next train is at 12:28 (too early) and after the 17:30 (too late) and still further is the railway station where frequent bus Sarajevo. Do we explain to the head station is where the pyramid and he suggests she looked up and see this mountain from its strange shape, not to say anything but seems saw a pyramid (geometry) perfect. Following the pyramid we reach the village (there are also signs that indicate the direction) and pass it to a certain point we begin to rise, the paved road ends (as well as directions, always ask the local!) And we must rise steps on the ground (or rather mud since it rained this morning). After a tremendous first struggled to reach where we can admire ruins of these slabs of yellow gold, are clearly artefacts, excavations appear here and there along the ridge of the mountain. Unfortunately at one point the road becomes a little easier and it is difficult to continue. While we are still admiring the excavations encounter a mimetic sitting in lighting a fire ... it is the archaeologist who is performing the excavation, of course, chat exchange, says that people who are working now are 13 and that a researcher University of Rome (unfortunately I do not remember the name, perhaps Blacks) led Italy in a piece of the pyramid for radiocarbon dating, but a rough estimate can be made from the layer of humus (about 1m) covering the pyramid, or dates back to after the last glaciation ....!!!!!!, I dare not imagine how this place in a few years. Inebriated all descend from the visit to take the direct bus to Sarajevo (10KM two people). Arrived in Sarajevo buy a phone card and try to call in Italy, is not easy, after some attempts and asking that we find the button for English that is central to the above the phone's alphanumeric keypad and the fact that once the number must three times to hear the voice part and please wait ... the phone calls though. After we return to the hotel and discover that nothing has changed, come to me and sticky like a caiman (kind) saying that I want the money back to try a hot hostello + and as often happens in these situations give us the apartment heating at the same price ( every world country). At this point we start our tour to the small town of Sarajevo, we start from square sebilji close to our accommodation in the heart of the turkish. The square is full of pigeons in the middle with a fantastic fountain of wood donated from Serbia, from here we go round the district fantastic turkish full of wonderful views. We see the old Orthodox church, the main mosque (Gazi Husreu bey) with Medresa attached, a few steps and we are in the Jewish district with its old synagogue and finally the beautiful Catholic Cathedral. Some cities in the world (over Jerusalem) has all these places of worship within 100m?. We stop near the public garden at the end dlla pedestrian (ferhadija) to admire the sculpture of peace and the new Orthodox church. Riding around the streets of Sarajevo you see spots of red wax on the floor, they are sites where people who were lined up to buy food or water were killed.
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Sarajevo - Mostar - Blagaj - Mostar

After a night spent thinking about the next route we decide to no longer remain in Sarajevo but to go to Mostar. After the usual breakfast at the Coffee Saraj, take tram No. 1, which will take us to the train station (1,80 km), from the train station and walking to reach the bus. Take one of the many buses that are designed to Mostar, in our case the cost 29km of 9:00 (two people). The trip lasts two hours and a half, so delightful 'The Hercegovina is full of beautiful woods and lakes, in fact nearly half' of viagggio along beautiful rivers with emerald green mountains overlooking the sea, the amount 'of forests in this BiH is surprising. The road to Mostar is all downhill (in all senses of two hours to 9% slope), this translates into a climate major difference, just arrive at your destination, go by coach and we are "stopped" by a local girl ( recognize as tourists) is proposing an accommodation nearby (his house virtually, pension Lena and Rada). The rooms are clean and cost only 20KM per person, perhaps a little 'small but the bathroom is a mirror. Time to put the backpacks and immediately take the yellow city buses donated by the Government of Japan No. 11 (or 12, take the bus stops along Mostar no train station and costs 1.80 KM). The bus arrives in about 20 minutes, ah forgot our goal and 'the little village of Balgaj. The driver lets us' get off just before the one-way and there are about 600m to reach the river where you can admire the beautiful mill after crossing the small wooden bridge. Actually the view is covered and then take a small trail (3 minutes) located behind the restaurant, hence the view improves. The old mill white lies close to a mountain with a cave where a little stream out (to get an idea of the place guaradate picture of exceptional Bradt guide-enough with the lonely !!!-). Given that now we stop here to eat, we choose the restaurant where we eat Nordfish fish for 18 euros. After lunch back at where we discover that the next bus pass at 16:00 and now is 14:200 (ask first, we had no time), a little bad we rest a while '. Let's go back to Mostar and descend on one of the many bridges of the city from this (the one before you leave) you can see very well the famous old bridge recently rebuilt (thanks to the Italians). A few steps and we are in the wonderful neighborhood turkish ... exceptional, the roads made of pebbles filled with shops (and tourists !!!). I must say that getting on the old bridge is truly a great experience, considering what was in previous years, the river that flows is an incredible emerald green!. we continue our walk through the old neighborhood, discovering delightful corner to get off the waterside. The right part of town (where there is the cathedral for instance) is markedly different, the signs of war are still evident despite being finished for more 'than ten years, on the hill top and' see a large cross made (ironically) in the exact point where the artillery shells hit the town '. 18:30 and I decide to go to the bus station to demand the ending of the next day, ma e 'gia' all closed (but how?), We find a small door in an old man (obviously does not speak English) that we from 'indication on schedules. Tomorrow we must bear in Montenegro and as we transit through the Republic Srpska, things are more 'difficult than expected, or take the bus Mostar Nevesinje of 8:00 and then Nevesinje Podgoriza of 12:30 or the 6:15 Trebinje Mostar and Trebinje Podgoriza of 14:00, obviously choose the first.
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Mostar - Nevesinje - Podgorica

As we descend from the program early to buy the bus tickets, the ticket costs only 4.5 KM, unfortunately we do not have much money in your pocket (only 40 KM) and we do not know what it costs the next question. At 8:00 from the bus, the street and 'tortuosissima full of curves, mamma mia! After about 1h Nevesinje where we buy two tickets for Podgoriza (Montenegro) for 18 KM per person, with the rest we do in breakfast center and buy some supplies for the trip. At 14:20 the bus but no one can see, are always curious point, to a certain point is an old woman saying something in store (unintelligible), takes us to the ticket office trying to do all you say something (also in Serbian) .. . after a while 'we understand the bitter news, the bus to a fault will not be here .... blow .... ne another party at 15:00 ... UFFA! the classic day lost. Panta rei, and fortunately we made the 15:00, the bus and 'in reality' of a small van mercedes new (you can see that we are about to go to Montenegro), which rose more 'people of the seats but .... mica come to Podgoriza?. Arrive "compressed" at the border she BiH where the officer on duty opened the door of the van, and said something again ... I assume that we have the exit stamp. A few more meters' in the 'us and the border of Montenegro.
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